Photo request

Figured I’d make a separate page for this.

If any person that is in a photo that is in this project would like a larger sized copy of it, please email me at:

Email the date it’s in, which one it is (any particular details would help) or which ones.

I’ll send you a copy as soon as I can.

2 thoughts on “Photo request

  1. Yi Guan says:

    Hi Rabi,

    Thank you for taking pictures for me and my group today. Could you please send me the group picture and my individule picture? We are the four people group taken photos in front of the Koerner library. I am the last one who took the photo ,wearing a green jacket:)

    Thank you and good luck for your project!


  2. Hazel Hughes says:

    This is really awesome! Can my friend and I request to have our picture taken?!

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